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15th October 2024 
Welcome. piotr23
Welcome to my psychotherapy and counselling website:


'Therapy is an investigation of how we function in the world,
and how we can function more in tune with our nature…'

My name is Piotr Mierkowski.

I am an individual and group psychotherapist with over 30 years of clinical experience in the NHS, voluntary sector and private practice in Islington, North London (N19). My therapeutic work is with adults, couples and groups. I also offer clinical supervision to therapists from a wide range of approaches to psychotherapy and counselling, and teach Gestalt therapy in the UK and internationally.

*** Please note that at present I am offering all therapy and supervision sessions online only.***

My professional background is in psychology and neuroscience I studied at the University of Warsaw in Poland where I lived before moving to the UK in the mid-80's. I trained at The Gestalt Centre, London – initially as a counsellor and later as an individual and group psychotherapist. I hold MA in Gestalt Psychotherapy from London Metropolitan University, have considerable training in the integrative body therapy and extensive experience of couples therapy for all kind of relationships, straight and gay.

In addition to my private practice in London, I have been actively involved with many Gestalt organisations and training institutes based in the UK, Poland and other countries. I am a visiting tutor for the Gestalt Centre London and a member of the Board of Directors of the International Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy (IAAGT); until recently, the UKAGP Publicity Officer and Newsletter Editor. As a clinician I work mostly in English, my second language. I am particularly interested in the reverberations of cultural and linguistic cross-cultural phenomena and how they impact the therapeutic process. I have translated into Polish the founding text of Gestalt Therapy: Excitment and Growth in the Human Personality (1951). If interested please read my Foreword to the first Polish edition of its theoretical volume (2022) and article celebrating publication of its practical volume (2024).

My approach is gestalt therapy.

Gestalt therapy is a creative attitude towards life and personal growth with the emphasis on present experience, contact and awareness that addresses the whole person: mind/body/emotion/spirit.

My opening quote is by Joel Latner whose view of psychotherapy has guided my own clinical practice. This American psychotherapist drew the attention to two central ideas on which gestalt therapy is built: focus on the experiential present moment and the therapeutic relationship - 'as it is only possible to know ourselves at any given time against the background of our relationships to others'. Our life and relationships are constantly changing. In therapy, we look for what gets in the way of living out the change that is happening by paying close attention to our present situation.

I create a safe and confidential space to explore whatever the clients' issues. Acceptance of each person in their unique reality is inherent in my practice. It is a practical application of the essence of holistic attitude – taking in everything which is present in an open-hearted and open-minded fashion, and so revealing the most expansive and embracing view of the matters. I believe in learning from my clients and remain fully committed to supporting every person to get in touch with their authentic nature and live from the fullness of who they are.
'Change occurs when one becomes the person he is, and not who he is not.'
Arnold Beisser, The Paradoxical Theory of Change (1970)

I draw on my own experience of migration to working effectively with individuals from diverse cultures and race. I have extensive experience of therapy with gender, sexuality and relationship diverse people, who also are part of another minority because of their skin colour, ethnicity, religion, language, and all those who transgress any category. My practice is listed in the Pink Therapy directory of therapists who work with clients of diverse genders, sexualities, identities, relationships, and lifestyles from a non-judgmental perspective.

I foster development of honesty and trust between myself and the clients. I work collaboratively to awaken their curiosity of what keeps them stuck, unhappy and suffering and to increase their awareness of strengths and creativity. I am not claiming I can ever know my clients better than they do, nor defining how they have to be, although I might have some ideas as I experience them in therapeutic relationship. Still, the authority for the choices that clients make remains squarely with themselves.
'Therapy is inherently anarchic in its thrust, deconstructing dogma and hierarchy, and supporting personal empowerment and responsibility'.
Nick Totton, Not a Tame Lion (2012)

I work regularly with visual and performing artists – actors, musicians, poets, writers and designers. Some of my clients face existential concerns and search for meaning in their lives, explore their place in society and their own identity, seek to increase their self-understanding and understanding of the world around them. I believe that increased engagement in the lived experience and self-reflection, which are the focus of psychotherapy, enable us to find new creative ways of being in the world.
'In place of a hermeneutics we need an erotics of art', and an erotics of the art of living.
Susan Sontag, Against Interpretation (1964)

Some individuals bring to therapy specific issues, such as anxiety, depression, abuse, early life trauma, loss, sexual concerns, compulsive behaviour, intrusive self-critical thoughts. Others look for a safe space to share 'bottled-up' emotions or attend to some 'unfinished business' from the past. Most people look for a sympathetic ear, acceptance and support. This is by means of increased awareness of their unique present situation that they succeed to move beyond problems, re-engaging fully with themselves and each other – this radical shift in people's outlook becomes the source of their healing.

As a gestalt therapist I perceive the value of what is often called intersubjectivity, and so unlike the more passive and abstinent style of an orthodox psychoanalyst, I actively engage in the dialogue with my clients during the therapy hour. I am fascinated with and attend to the immediate, here-and-now, process of interaction between us that happens no matter whether therapy sessions take place in-person, in the practice room, or online. Whilst I recognise that there is a vast difference when psychotherapy or counselling is conducted over the internet, the clients’ experience and my own observations point to it being as effective as in-person therapy – the view supported by most recent research evidence. This doesn’t mean that so called virtual therapy is right for everyone hence I pay particular attention to the assessment during our initial meeting.
'Ocean separates lands, not souls.'
Munia Khan, a Poet (2020)

I have considerable experience in providing counselling and psychotherapy to individuals with enduring mental health difficulties and those seeking help on the advice of their GP or psychiatrist for debilitating complaints, including anxiety states, depression, psychosomatic and stress related symptoms.

I offer brief therapy when appropriate, but I tend to work longer term to facilitate deep and lasting change. Clients can choose to see me for psychotherapy and counselling on the open-ended basis or book a set number of sessions. I work primarily in English, but sessions can also be held in Polish.

If you wish to book an initial appointment, contact me on my mobile: 07779 506 412, leave a message and I will call you back.

You can also contact me by email at All messages, phone calls and correspondence will be treated in the strictest confidence.


Piotr Mierkowski, MA Dip Psych UKCP reg MBACP (accred)


Gestalt Therapy & Counselling in Islington, North London N19
Islington – Whitehall Park – Archway – Crouch End – Highgate – online

Gestalt News and Notes

'... the self is precisely the integrator; it is the synthetic unity, as Kant said.
It is the artist of life.
It is only a small factor in the total organism/environment interaction, but
it plays the crucial role of finding and making the meanings that we grow by.'

Fritz Perls, Ralph F. Hefferline, Paul Goodman (1951),
Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality

I am pleased to announce the publication of the first Polish edition of both, theoretical and practical, volumes of 'Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality', which is now available to order directly from the publisher
Oficyna Związek Otwarty.


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